Tuesday, March 1

The Lavender of Twilight

Sometimes you get the rare opportunity to view a true marvel. There are a few moments in twilight, between shades of blue, when the sky is pure lavender, framing the bare trees. The branches reach up, standing tall, but waiting until they can reach the sky. It is part of what makes winter beautiful. In those moments, there is no avoiding looking up, seeing the marvel that is the heavens, and searching deep within your soul. Are you standing tall, reaching, waiting, until you can be, as the trees, close to Heaven, framed perfectly by it? Made more beautiful than you ever could have known? In those moments, inner searching and reflection come together to form something intangible, unwritable. If I could record the thoughts of my heart as I walk in the twilight, or in the still of the morning, the poetry would be unmistakable. There would be no comparison to the art, because it would be a soul. Created by the greatest master of them all. God. He is the Master of Creation, of Art, of Beauty. His is the truest form of Beauty. But if the thoughts and feelings of my innermost soul could be written in a few words, they would cease in their sacred nature.
But, sadly, it is only a moment. The moment passes. The reflection comes to an end, as I’m faced once again with traffic, waiting, stop and go. Life sometimes moves a little too fast. If only there were a way to just stay out of life, away from all of the wordliness and hardship. Away from other people who are too busy to stop and look at the sky. If they could just learn. Even to take a moment to still your racing heart and mind is to take a brief look through God’s eyes. To see the Beauty that He made and remakes every day, every morning, every night. To see the clouds in the sky, the branches of the trees, the spectrum of colors the sky goes through in a matter of minutes. Keep that moment from passing.

What is it about twilight that so haunts us and intrigues us, compelling us to write about it, draw it, paint it, speak of it with such awe? It is the time of greatest mystery, cloaked in near darkness, the time when day transforms to night.

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