Saturday, December 21

On sin and bigotry

The other day, I was called a bigot. Let's define that term. The dictionary says it is "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion." But apparently, the online community thinks it means "anyone who thinks that Hell is a place and people can go there for sinning/doing things that I think are sins". To give a little background, I was on a parenting forum. Most of the ideas I espouse in my parenting and my lifestyle in general are relatively liberal. Some would even say progressive, though if looked at from the point of view of the history of the Earth, they're all VERY conservative. So most of the people on the forums that I've chosen to associate with are also relatively liberal-in ideas and in politics. The big difference, of course, is that I am religious (not just spiritual) and I believe that there is Truth (not just truth). So, the topic of homosexuality came up. I said basically that I'll teach my kids that we believe that homosexuality is a sin, because we should all teach our children the morality that we believe in, but that there's a big discussion about this that nobody can seem to be civil about. Then ensued one of the biggest name-calling and religion bashing fests I have seen. There were people who said that any god who pays that much attention to the details of his subjects lives is not worth worshiping. There were others who said that anyone who believes that one group of people are going to Hell is a bigot. This is what got me. Because even though I believe homosexuality is a sin, I don't believe that all homosexuals are going to Hell. So, I don't deserve to be called a bigot. I'm not intolerant of homosexuality, and I don't discriminate against homosexuals. I have so many friends and even a few family members who are homosexual, and I love them so much!
This is the discussion that can never truly be had though, because even though it's simple to me, so few would be willing to look at what I'm saying and the tone in which I'm saying it.
Homosexuality (and any fornication)is a sin. So is being quick to anger. So is failing to honor your parents. So is taking the name of the Lord in vain, stealing, coveting, etc. Sins can be repented of. We all have tendencies toward sin. My biggest one is a tendency to anger and impatience, especially with those I love. It is something that I have to repent of every single day, and one I hope to be able to overcome someday. When looked at through the viewpoint that everybody has certain temptations and certain tendencies that they have to repent of and overcome, homosexuality is just another one. It's one that thankfully, I don't really have to deal with. But I have other issues. We all have issues. We shouldn't judge another person because their issues and temptations are different than ours, because it's not our place to judge. But we can teach our children that though they may have those feelings, they're not appropriate and should be repented of. If they choose to make decisions despite what we've taught them, that's fine. It's their life, we have agency for a reason. But I want to know, as a mother, that I have taught my children what I believe is right.

Who knows what's going to happen. Believing in sin is not bigotry. believing that any one group of people is going to Hell despite their own beliefs and actions is. There's a difference. I promise.

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