Friday, August 31

Todays news

Binkies are definitely one of caleb's favorite toys, close behind my phone and the toy piano. The problem is,  he only likes toys when he's in a good mood. Oh well. In other news, black beans score a high rating on the tasty scale, but very low on digestibility. Haha
I've also decided that although school sucks, I have very little reason to complain. My husband could be in the military. He could, like so many others, get deployed to go fight and maybe die in a war that we as a country have no business participating in. These next 9 or so months that we need to finish school ink are nothing compared to the 9 or more months that wives, mothers, and children have to near while their fathers or husbands or sons are off I'm grateful to not have that trial at least

Wednesday, August 29


It's the third day of school. My husband is no longer my husband, first and foremost. He is now a student, bowing to the whims of the bloodthirsty vampire that is the American education system. They suck away all our money through exorbitant prices for books and tuition, not to mention the mandatory health insurance. Then, they suck away all the time we might have had together through working (as much as possible still doesn't cover rent) and homework! I can't even talk to him because I don't want to break his focus and lose his place. And what is it all for? A little piece of paper, and a permanent record that says he took all kinds of classes, spent all his money, and learned what he could have learned better (probably more efficiently too!) Outside of the classroom, inside of a classroom. Not even for a job. He's got one, one that wouldn't require him to finish this craphole they call school. But if he wants to do more, he's gotta do it. It's retarded. This stupid world we live in requires that people, instead of having real experience, go to school and learn in classrooms from people who also generally don't have much real experience. That degree is all important. Ridiculous.

Wednesday, August 22


Tonight Matt did an adorable thing. He came up with me when I came to or Caleb To bed, we read our scriptures, and he stayed in bed and took his glasses off. I asked him if he wad staying all night, excited of course to actually be able to fall asleep with my husband next to me and he said he wanted to cuddle with me for a little bit. At that, he did. Loved it. And after a couple of minutes he was completely asleep. Which is how he still is. Silly man, thinking he can do everything on no sleep. I'm glad his body takes care of him.

Monday, August 20

Caleb and some other thoughts

Caleb is a very contemplative little one, I think. I bet he grows up to be a lot like his dad...thoughtful, especially before speaking and even more where offense is possible. Unable to start a new task until he comes to a good breaking point or finishes what he's working on :). Right now he's 7 months old and totally capable of rolling over, pulling himself up, etc. but he never does. I think he's not going to roll over until he's got a reason to-like knowing how to crawl. And until that happens, he's content with laying on his back or sitting up. He's so cute. Every morning, he wakes up, looks up at me and smiles when I greet him. He's got the cutest little smile. It fills up his whole face with his dimples and big grin. And lately, he's been doing a funny chuckle thing when he thinks something is funny. His first laugh was just an intake of air, so he sounded a little bit like a frog. Then, about a month ago he started giggling, but only when Matt would tickle him or something. But then, a couple weeks ago, he just started busting out this guffaw. I wish I could post it up here, but I don't think I have any recordings of it-it always happens very unexpectedly. But I love it, to no end :) what an adorable kid. I don't know how I got so lucky, to have the handsomest, most loyal and incredible husband and the cutest kid, but somehow it happened, and my life is phenomenal. And I guess that's all for now :)