It's the third day of school. My husband is no longer my husband, first and foremost. He is now a student, bowing to the whims of the bloodthirsty vampire that is the American education system. They suck away all our money through exorbitant prices for books and tuition, not to mention the mandatory health insurance. Then, they suck away all the time we might have had together through working (as much as possible still doesn't cover rent) and homework! I can't even talk to him because I don't want to break his focus and lose his place. And what is it all for? A little piece of paper, and a permanent record that says he took all kinds of classes, spent all his money, and learned what he could have learned better (probably more efficiently too!) Outside of the classroom, inside of a classroom. Not even for a job. He's got one, one that wouldn't require him to finish this craphole they call school. But if he wants to do more, he's gotta do it. It's retarded. This stupid world we live in requires that people, instead of having real experience, go to school and learn in classrooms from people who also generally don't have much real experience. That degree is all important. Ridiculous.
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