Monday, August 20

Caleb and some other thoughts

Caleb is a very contemplative little one, I think. I bet he grows up to be a lot like his dad...thoughtful, especially before speaking and even more where offense is possible. Unable to start a new task until he comes to a good breaking point or finishes what he's working on :). Right now he's 7 months old and totally capable of rolling over, pulling himself up, etc. but he never does. I think he's not going to roll over until he's got a reason to-like knowing how to crawl. And until that happens, he's content with laying on his back or sitting up. He's so cute. Every morning, he wakes up, looks up at me and smiles when I greet him. He's got the cutest little smile. It fills up his whole face with his dimples and big grin. And lately, he's been doing a funny chuckle thing when he thinks something is funny. His first laugh was just an intake of air, so he sounded a little bit like a frog. Then, about a month ago he started giggling, but only when Matt would tickle him or something. But then, a couple weeks ago, he just started busting out this guffaw. I wish I could post it up here, but I don't think I have any recordings of it-it always happens very unexpectedly. But I love it, to no end :) what an adorable kid. I don't know how I got so lucky, to have the handsomest, most loyal and incredible husband and the cutest kid, but somehow it happened, and my life is phenomenal. And I guess that's all for now :)

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